Actor, Stage Manager, Designer
Philadelphia PA
Kate Nelson
Production Manager at Arden theatre company
p: 215 . 805 . 5823
E: knelson @ ardentheatre . org
Nicholas green
District Manager at Photogenic Inc
p: 978 . 995 . 4170
E: ngreen @ photogenicinc . com
Tucson AZ
Jasmine Roth
Director of Learning & Education at Arizona Theatre Company
P: 520 . 463 . 7675
E: jroth @ arizonatheatre . org
Danielle Wright
Executive Director at Southern Arizona Performing Arts Company
P: 520 . 260 . 4801
E: danniey @ sapactucson . org
Dennis Tamblyn
Artistic Director at Southern Arizona Performing Arts Company
P: 970 . 396 . 8612
E: dennis @ sapactucson . org
Michael Rhodes
Music Director at Christian Youth Theatre Tucson
P: 520 . 331 . 8030
E: michaelrhodes0 @ gmail . com
Tyler Wright
Actor, Director
P: 801 . 362 . 2838
E: samoasao @ gmail . com
Chicago IL
Kimberly McCann
AEA Stage Manager
P: 630 . 272 . 3204
E: kimberlymccan @ mac . com
Kaitlin Kitzmiller
AES Stage Manager
P: 402 . 850 . 9810
E: kkitzmiller @ gmail . com
Katherine Klemme
Educator, Stage Manager, Producer and Arts Administrator
P: 773 . 508 . 7502
E: katieklemme @ gmail . com
Rachel Healy
Associate Professor of Theatre and Costume Design at Loyola University Chicago
P: 708 . 508 . 3832
E: rhealy1 @ luc . edu
Tim Mann
Instructor of Scene Design at Loyola University Chicago
P: 773 . 508 . 8324
E: tmann1 @ luc . edu
Michael McBride
Instructor of Voice, Music Director for Theatre at Loyola University Chicago
P: 773 . 508 . 7510
E: mmcbride2 @ luc . edu